Thursday, January 8, 2009

3 goals for 2009

this time of year is always a time of reflecting and resolving. even if you don't compile a list of resolutions, it seems impossible (and just plain wrong) to avoid thinking about how to learn from the previous to grow in the next.

my colleague Barb Heffner pointed me to Chris Brogan's take -- set 3 goals and pick a word to define each. i love this idea; a broader brush stroke that reminds us where we want to be instead of getting caught up in specificity and loosing sight of the end goal. do we want to shed a set number of pounds or do we want to feel better -- in our skin and in our minds.

so here are mine:

wellness. create. discover.

try it and let me know! and then we can all check in a year from now and see how we did.